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Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits
Water Testing Kits
Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits Water Testing Kits

Water Testing Kits

600.00 - 10000.00 INR

Product Details:


Water Testing Kits Price And Quantity

  • 600.00 - 10000.00 INR
  • 1 Box

Water Testing Kits Trade Information

  • 100 Box Per Week
  • 3-4 Days
  • All India

Product Description

When water passes through or over deposits such as limestone, the levels of ca2+, mg2+, and hco3 ions present in the water greatly increase and cause the water to be classified as hard water. Hardness in water is caused by dissolved minerals and calcium and magnesium ions are usually present in significant concentration along with other divalent ions. Hardness creates scale deposit problem which lead to energy loss in different industrial systems ,such as boiler, cooling system, cause scale formation in plumbing, heating appliances, and boilers. Measuring total hardness is essential to monitor softener, demineralization, RO plant, softening processes, etc. Our AQUASOL hardness range is one of the largest available in the market today. It is a premium kit and finds use in almost all industries, where water is the most important ingredient/parameter.

AQUASOL Aquaculture Test Kits are extremely simple and easy to use & make monitoring convenient for pond fish culture. Our range of test kits are used for Salt Water and Fresh Water analysis, especially in the field. All critical test factors can be efficiently and accurately determined on-site, including ammonia, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate, pH etc.


BACTASLYDE is a quick, easy & economical means of monitoring bacteria in liquids and on surfaces. It is used virtually in any industry by engineers, water treatment professionals and facilities management specialists to make bacteria testing quick and easy. BACTASLYDE is regularly used worldwide for monitoring microbiological contamination and has been found to be reliable as it compares well with conventional microbiological techniques.



BACTASLYDE is extremely easy and can be used even by a non technical person at site very effectively as it does not require any laboratory or additional equipment. It is an economical & no capital investment means of monitoring any process or system to improve efficiency, prolong equipment life and reduce breakdowns.



BACTASLYDE is a presterilized plastic paddle coated with specially developed proprietary media on each side for the growth of a variety of bacteria, yeasts & fungi. Its dual media enables you to perform the Total Bacterial Count on one side and the specific bacteria species count on the other side at the same time in just 24 hours. BACTASLYDE are supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set & a density chart to have a complete quantitative analysis of bacteria.



BACTASLYDE POUCH PACK TEST is an easy to use test kit with specially developed media for various bacteria that will enable you to perform a present or absent test. Even one organism not desired in the sample material can be tested and analyzed. Our ready to use Bacteria Test kit has media pouch with sterile container and supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set



  • Avoid Breakdowns
  • Optimise Usage of Water Treatment Chemicals
  • Improve Efficiency
  • Prolong Equipment Life
  • Provide Healthier Working Environment
  • Reduce Corrosion



Microbiology laboratory not required Microbiology laboratory required
Can be used by non-technical people Performed only by trained Microbiologist
Extremely easy and quick Complex and Time consuming
No capital investment Huge capital investment
Most Economical Expensive
Can be used at site very effectively. Sample to be sent to lab.




  • Step 1  DIP (Dip for 20-25 seconds. Use a clean container to hold the test material)
  • Step 2  INCUBATE (At room temperature (18-32c) No need of an Incubator)
  • Step 3  READ (Match with Density Chart)





  • Step 1 - Wash hands thoroughly with soap & Cut open the pouches carefully
  • Step 2 - Pour Media (Pour the contents of pouches into the bottle)
  • Step 3 - Pour Sample Water (Pour water up to the red arrow mark)
  • Step 4 - Incubate (At room temperature (18-32C) - No need of an Incubator)
  • Step 5 - Observe the colour (The colour of media would change if the bacteria species under test is present)
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